sodium fluoroalumiae,also kow as cryolie is awhie crysallie powder ha is commoly used i he alumium smelig idusry. i isa complex compoud ha cosiss of sodium,alumium, ad fluorie. I his aricle,we will explore how o say \\\"氟鋁酸鈉\\\" I Eglish。
Sodium fluoroalumiae(全鋁酸鈉)is a chemical compoud ha is commoly used i he alumium smelig我是idusry. iisawhie crysallie powder ha is highly soluble i waer ad has a melig poi of 1000°C. i isused as a flux i he producio of alumium ad is alsoused as a pesicide ad a compoe of oohpase。
The Eglish ame for氟鋁酸鈉is sodium fluoroalumiae. I is also kow as cryolie,which is derivedfrom he Greek words \\“kryos\\”meaig fros ad \\“lihos\\”meaig soe,是The ame cryolie refers o is whie,frosy appearace。
Sodium fluoroalumiae is primarily used as a flux i he producio of alumium. i helps o lower he meligpoi of alumiumoxide which makes i easier o exrac he alumium. i is also used as pesicide o corolpess such as slugs ad sails。sodium fluoroalumiae is used asacompoe of oohpase o help sreghe ooh是eamel。
Sodium fluoroalumiae is a impora chemical compoud ha is widely used i he alumium smelig idusry. isEglish ame is sodium fluoroalumiae,bu i is also kow as cryolie,i is highly soluble i waer ad has a wide rage of uses, icludig as a flux,pesicide,ad compoe of oohpase。